Monday 15 April 2013

Blown away...

So i walk into work after my day off sick, and my friend Nick asks if i heard what happened yesterday, i said i have no idea, "they saw blue whale", i didnt believe him, and then Ed wondered into the office "Thanks for being sick yesterday Jen, i covered for you it was wonderful!" when i asked why, Ed went on to describe that a blue whale, the largest living mammal on the planet decided to cruise at the surface right near our tour vessels. Then i heard that Jay, a skipper who has seen plenty of whales and been around the world on a boat, said it was the best view he's ever had of a bluey! I couldn't believe it, i am never ill, im never off, iv been working for 7 days, it would have been the greatest day of my life if id been on that boat, i was suppose to be on that boat! then i proceeded to look at the pictures from the work camera, well, what can i say, calm seas, and some incredible footage of the blue whale just scraping below the surface of the crystal clear water. Then Tracey told me that after they had finished their shift they went and got a kayak and followed the whale for the evening as the sun set! i mean really! the universe was not on my side, i guess it wasn't meant to be, but i know one thing, i wont be having another sick day ever again! haha

So the day at work continued with stories of this beautiful bluey, which had decided to swim right below the boat, head one side and tail the other, it was torture, and as hard as i tried i couldn't shake my jealousy! Then we heard via the radio that he was still out there!

The next thing i know im boarding a rubber dinghy, as i wasn't needed for guiding on the afternoon tours, and we're heading out onto the ocean. The sun shining, blue skies, very slight sees in search of a blue whale. We got a GPS of its last location sighted by Whale Watch, we headed in that direction and then turned off the engines and waited...
and waited...
and waited...
I thought we were pushing our luck, oh well its not meant to be and my heart started to sink,
we heard it DEAD AHEAD of us, this huge breath, a blow about 8m high,
Luckily i managed to get some pictures unlike my last sighting. The encounter was fairly brief and the whale surfaced about 4 times with about 5 minute intervals before he came up to take a breath. It was wonderful trying to guess where he would appear and then listening out for his immense blow. We then decided to leave the area as he dived and didn't reappear for about 15 minutes and the main reason Dennis and Ed had got the dinghy out was to get some footage of dolphins, visability was amazing and the dolphins were very playful. We managed to get some wicked GoPro footage, what a way to spend the afternoon! How will i ever work in an office again!

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